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Blogaholic Designs

Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Decor for work!!

I'm all bout decorating my cube at work!!! When you walk in my cube it has a tone of pink stuff anyways and cute magnets. I always say, since I have to sit in a cube all day why not make it fun and cute? Vera Bradley is a must for my desk! (Thanks JaC for my awesome Vera desk calendar!) I'm kind of bumbed about them not telling us sooner that we could decorate our desk as work until Friday last week. That means I shouldn't waste any $$$ on Easter decor! :( But... I CAN MAKE SOMETHING!!! WOOP! Yep, my head started spinning on ideas. I knew I could get poster board for cheap at the Dollar General on the way home and maybe they might have something in the Easter isle that will help my brain think of something else to make. Ummm... an M out of Easter eggs!!! SO CUTE! I bought the bright color plastic eggs, 2 bags. I used my hot glue gun to stick the eggs together to make the M. It took a lot of glue too! I also made it messy in the back hoping it would help hold the eggs better. I should have used a little sand paper on each egg first. DANG! Oh well, the M turned out super cute I think. I used white ribbon with hot pink polka dots with the perfect little bow at the top. :) TAA DAA! Super cheap Easter idea!!! Total Cost- $2!!!


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