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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Harvest Day!!!!

Getting nervous!!!
Today I have my egg harvest!!! All finished and the family is now in charge of those little eggs. Make a baby that you will love and give your life for no matter what! I wish I could hug the mom and tell you how happy I am to offer her this amazing gift. I wish we could cry together and for her to know how happy I am she picked me! I would also tell you that I was a spoiled brat when I was a wee little MeG... Ha! I would then hug her again and wish her the best of luck and a safe and smooth pregnancy!
I was able to sleep last night which was awesome! I was super nervous and ready for my alarm to go off at 4:45a.m. AHHHH!!! I wont up on my 2nd alarm going off at 5:10 jumped in the shower, brushed my hair and teeth, grabbed the makeup bag put some clothes on the I was on the road to pick up Pop and Gran!
Off to Chattanooga we went and got there with good timing. We went to my special waiting room and I took a picture of Granny and I on the couch like we did last year. Then after being there for maybe 10 minutes I took a picture of Pop already passed out in the the waiting room chair like I also did last year!

Oh memories from this journey!

I had to sign all of the paper work then took me off to the procedure room. Put on my fancy hospital gown and my knee socks I wore last year! *My Official Egg Donor Socks* Had my iv put in and waited for them to roll me back. Once I was in the operating room I got up on the table with CrAzY stirrups and a square cut in the wall where they can transfer the disk or tubes of eggs through to the Embryologist. PEEK A BOO!!!??? Yeah big time! They gave me my anesthesia and I passed out! I woke up and everything was over. My sweet nurse gave me a mini orange Gatorade and they waited for me to wake up. I wasn't in pain at all just so sleepy. I still have been mini cramping all day. I feel like this time around was much better!!
I wasn't told how many eggs were taken this time they said I would find out next week. Hopefully enough for this special family! I felt bloated enough to have 50 in there!!!

Prayers for this family and fingers crossed!!

Pop asleep after 10 minutes of being there

Granny and I on Harvest day!!

waiting for my iv
 Good Luck Egg Donor Socks!!

 Super fancy sheets they have!! I wish they were pink though!! :)

Just got home and now it's snuggle nappy time with Blue!!

Trigger Shot Night!!!

Trigger Shot!!!!

Well I received a call from my nurse Jan Wednesday night saying I was ready to for my trigger shots due to my levels and ultrasounds! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! So excited!

I sat on the couch last night so excited because in the morning at 8:30 I'll have my egg harvest!!!

Want a giggle??? My doctor... Dr. Donesky will be in the Knoxville office and I have to drive to the Chattanooga office for the harvest! Well Dr. Bird... giggle... Bird... Egg... LOL! Dr. Bird will do my mini surgery to retrieve the eggs. He did mine last year also so I've met him and all of the sweet amazing people in that office! I also have to go to the donor waiting room which is away from the main lobby. Gotta keep me away from the family or even people who might see me in the data base and pick me!

I went over to Elizabeth's to drink wine, eat pizza and make crafts! Perfect Girls Night!!! Elizabeth had to give me my trigger shots!! Fun times for her! She was so excited she couldn't stand it!! She also helped me make a baby!! :)  
Elizbeth soooo excited! :)

It's almost over and it's bittersweet! I'm ready... YES!!! I'm so tickled for this family!

Happy Harvest Day!!! Thursday 8/18/2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Reading... Who Me??

Yep, that's right... I'm reading a book. Well I'm going to try and read this book because everyone keeps saying how good it is and I also want to watch the movie!

The Help!

I bought it for Granny on her Kindle then downloaded the Kindle app on my iPhone! SO EXCITED!!!

We'll see how long it's going to take to finish the book and then Granny and I'll be off to the movies to watch it! I'm so excited!

Wish me luck!!! :)

Fertile Myrtle

Egg Donor Day 6-11

BLOATED!!!!! My poor jeans do not fit right now and it sucks! I had to wear my jersey cotton shirt to work today and felt like I could breath. Jeans... see you in a week or two! I've been not in the mood to blog the past few days with being EGG-ZOSTED!!! ;)
So my estradiol levels on Friday 8/12 were around 360 and Sunday I had another ultrasound and blood work appointment and those levels jumped up to 1500!!! YEAH!! I'm getting close! My left ovary is doing a lot of work this time around since that stooooopid fibroid has now been removed! Goodbye Herby! HAHA! As of Sunday one of my follicle sacs were around 17.4mm and they usually want them around the 20's. The rest are in the range of 13mm-16mm. I'm just excited to get the shot part over with because of all of the bloating it's making a little bit harder to get the shots in my tummy! Can we say ouchy??? Yeah... think of poking a balloon and it bouncing off... not cool at all!!! O.U.C.H. I had to start 3rd shot also since I'm getting close to the Harvest!!!

Had to run by the office today to pick up a dose for tonight of the Menopur since I'm out now. They're going to Fed Ex me some overnight for tomorrow.

My newest shot is Ganirelix! (This one burns when it goes in the belly!)

Ganirelix Shot!

I have my next appointment in the morning at 8:00 for the same ole same ole... blood work and ultrasounds!
Vampires... He He He!!!

Hopefully finding the Harvest date for retrieval tomorrow! Fingers crossed for this week!
Guess who was a brave little girl and gave herself all of her shots last night...? That's right!! ME!!! WOO! So proud... and I think Jason was a little sad he couldn't poke me with needles to see me squirm. Ha!
I received a sweet card in the mail from my nurse Sandy saying how they love seeing my smiling face and positive attitude every time I come in. Why not stay positive??? I'm helping make miracles! All I can say is it's a pleasure working with such an amazing group of women and Dr. Donesky! GREAT PEOPLE!!!!

I’ll leave you with some fun pictures over the past week! Ouchy and Enjoy!!!

Night Time Shots!!!

Jason so excited to give me the shot that hurts the worst!! :(

Safety First!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Glass Ball Necklace DIY!!!

I found this while playing on and fell in love with the idea!! Super cheap and easy to make!! I'll post the blog I found it on and she takes you step by step on how to make this super cute necklace!! I'm posting this for Pam G. at work because this screams her name! So Pam, if you're reading my blog please make this necklace and then make me one too!!! :) Ha! Enjoy!!!!


Egg Donor Day 5

I'm supposed to call every night after my appointments to check on my blood work voicemail results and to see if I need to up my meds or not. Well the phone call went well and no upping my meds and my blood work levels were right on! YEAH super egg maker MeG!! I was super busy at work today and not as hormonal... THANK GOODNESS!!!! I feel fat and bloated though which makes my jeans hate me!

When people look at me and wonder why the Hell I'm doing this with my cramping, bloating, being hormonal, cranky and just plain blah I remind myself... there is a woman out there with eggs that wont allow her to make a child! The only hope she has besides me is adopting. Which I think adopting is amazing and my Aunt was adopted but the feeling carrying your own baby has to be an amazing feeling! I'm giving a family hope and a baby or babies!!! Words can't describe the way I feel inside for this family! I get all emotional when I think about their smiles knowing that their lives are about to change. The first sound of the heart beat and the first kick she'll experience will be breath taking!

I'm an anonymous donor which means the family doesn't know who I am. They know my history and family medical history. They've seen my pictures since birth until now and I'm guessing they pick me based on my looks vs the mothers looks. Or maybe it's the blue eyes... ha! 

Changing lives here people!!! And loving every moment!!!

Making my night time shot!

The shot master!! HA! Jason giving me my night time shot!


Egg Donor Day 4

Well the title of the blog explains my whole day! EGG-ZOSTED!!!!! I had my appointment for blood work and ultrasounds at 8:30 then off to work I went! My ultrasounds showed that I had 6 follicle sacs in my left ovary and 9 in my left! WOW! Only after 3 1/2 days of shots. Heather at work called me Fertile Myrtle! HAHAH! We both giggled about that for a while then back to work.

Guess the hormones were kicking in yesterday because I was super moody and cried a few times... yeah lame I know! But once I got home I grabbed a Caprisun (Tropical Morning flavor) and went straight to bed! I woke up at 9:00 for my night time shot then went back to bed not waking up until this morning at 6:30. So yes... I was EGG-ZOSTED!!!! Ha Ha! Monday you sucked that is all!

Morning time shot!

Here we go... little stick in the tummy!! (This one doesn't hurt as bad)

Oh the dreaded stirrups!!!!  Ultrasound time!! Pink toe nails though!! ;)


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Blue... the LOVE of my LIFE!!!

Snuggle Sunday with Blue was wonderful!!!
Thought I'd share a few pictures from our snuggle fest!
 He's the BEST dog in the WORLD!!!
 I love him so much!

How the heck do I open these Mom??? I have no thumbs!!!

Can I have one sweet tater stick ma??

That sweet face thanking me for his oh so yummy sweet potato stick!

about to attack the treat! Love his heart!

Eggy MeGGy!

Egg Donor Day 3

Woke up today all crampy and gave myself my morning shot. Then I had a few strawberries! (yum) I decided to lay back down since I was having minor cramps. I have my appointment tomorrow for my first ultrasound with taking all of my wonderful shots! Gotta see how many eggs are growing in this chicken. :) My appointment is at 8:30 and I'll have more blood work and then the oh so fun ultra sound. (probe stick) I can't wait to see how many eggs have started to grow already! :)

Well, 9:00p.m. rolled around and it was shot time again! Jason's turn to give me this one... He's been very sweet and gentle!  The shot I give myself at night I have to make using a syringe and two little bottle of meds. The syringe scares me! Jason's hand was shaking a little before he gave it to me tonight and I had to call TIME OUT!!!!!! LOL! Let's take a second and think about this and get your hand to be still! It went well and the shot was given!

I made a joke tonight that he didn't think was too funny but I got tickled out of it... "thanks for helping me make a baby" He just turned around and looked at me with the stink eye... not funny!!! HAHAHAHA! I thought it was funny! Oh well! I've gotta keep my spirits high when I feel bloated and HORMONAL like crazy!

It's getting late and I have to be at the doctor early then off to work!

Making my night time shot!!!


The two medicine's I'm on right now are below. 
Morning shot!

Shot I give myself at 9:00!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Day 2 of Egg Donor Cycle!

Yesterday I started my shots... EEK! They really aren't that bad to be honest. I have to put them in my stomach and it's "thick enough" it doesn't hurt as bad. Just a tiny sting! Jason is giving me my shots at night since it freaks me out a little. The shot I give myself in the morning is almost like an epi pen so it's east to give.

I went to my last appt on Thursday for blood work and ultra sounds then later that evening I received an email from my nurse saying I'm DEFINITELY ready to start the process after looking at the ultra sound pictures of my ovaries and my blood work levels. I looked at Jason and told him he was sleeping on the couch!! HA HA! Don't even hug me!! I'm so thankful I have someone I can joke with and who respects my decisions for helping other families. I even think he enjoys giving me the shots at night which is really cute in my eyes. He loves helping me out and always ask how I'm feeling knowing I cramp a lot while going through the process of being a chicken and growing extra eggs. Sweet fella!

I woke up this morning cramping and took some meds to ease the crampy pains then gave myself  my morning shot. It's Saturday morning and I can't sleep in so I decided to come to Panera and enjoy a little couch time with some hazelnut coffee. Also an oh so yummy whole grain bagel with veggie cream cheese! And of course the people watching is AHHHMAZING here! Trying to keep my mind of cramps and trying to pump myself up to go to Walmart for our weekly trip for groceries and other things... yay. :(

I have all of my appointments set up for the next week and the "harvest" of my eggs should be the week of the 15th. I'm guessing it will happen on Thursday the 18th. They put me to sleep and I wake up egg free! The best part is they play some Jimmy Buffett so I can go off to la la land dreaming about the beach! Love my doctor and the staff their!!! WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!!!

I guess it's time for me to get off my nest for a while and head to Walmart for the things we need... the worst part... it's tax free weekend and EVERYONE will be there! Oh Joy!! Please oh please have more than 5 registers open!!!

Later peeps! hehe!

All of my meds for the next two weeks!

Blood work...blood work... blood work!

This is where the "magic" happens... hahaha!

Let's take a looksy at my ovaries!

This thing goes where??? The ultra sound probe! AHHH!


Just call me Ms. Chicken! Yes, that's right I've been picked by another family to receive my eggs. So as I sit here on my nest waiting for my eggs to grow I decided to blog about this experience. This will be my  second time to have a family pick me for my eggs. June 2010 I went through the first experience and looking back now I wish I would have blogged about it. Not to be an anti baby person more than I am already I just don't want kids. Sad I know b/c I would be the ultimate mommy with craft time! First off I'm scared to death of babies... second they are so tiny and small it freaks me out. Once they get to about age 2 I'm good to hold them. Ha! Needless to say I do not want children and I'm thankful Jason has his sweet little girl Ali for me to play with and do craft projects with!

When I found my new OBGYN (yay cookie doctor) I saw an info packet about being an egg donor and a light bulb went off in my head. Why wouldn't I do this? It's perfect for me! These poor families cannot have children and I'm wasting all of these eggs when they could be passed onto someone else in need for the loving of a sweet blue eyed baby! (Hopefully they get my eyes!) So I decided to ask more questions and started the process of being a donor. I LOVE IT! I get so emotional thinking of parents struggling to have a baby and thinking about me being selfish not wanting any kiddos.

This is not an easy job either! When people find out what I go through to donate my eggs they understand it's not so easy! I have to give myself 2 shots a day for about a week and a half sometimes 3 shots. Then I have to drive to Chattanooga to have the "HARVEST" of my eggs. This would include putting me to sleep and retrieving the eggs from my ovaries. A LOT OF WORK... huh? Yep, I have to change my hours around at work in order for me to go to my daily appts for blood work and ultra sounds. Gotta make sure this chicken is growing her eggs and not just one egg... MANY OF EGGS!!!! I believe they were able to retrieve 12 eggs last year... yep... perfect dozen... hehehe! :)

I'm going to try and keep up daily with the progress of this egg harvest. Not just for the people who think I'm crazy for doing this but to remind me of the amazing thing I've done for a mother and a father who before me wouldn't be able to carry their own baby. The families pick me from my doctors data base. They have full medical history of me and my family. Pictures of me from birth up until now and my wonderful nurses tell them about my personality and how much of a caring person I am for doing this.

What do I get from this... emotional joy of knowing someone that couldn't have a baby now can!!! Yes.. there is a little MeG running around somewhere but I don't think of it that way at all! I didn't carry the baby it wasn't my partners sperm it was the fathers sperm and the mother carried it. All I can hope for is this child be the sweetest kindest little boy or girl or multiples for this family. Please oh please don't come out being a little brat like I was when I went through my bratty/ bossy stages! ;)

Let this egg growing begin! bawk bawk!!!